Thursday, September 3, 2009

When all seems lost, there's hope

Right when you think all hope is lost.

Right when you think things couldn't get any worse.

Life has a way of giving you hope.

Yesterday I had a mental breakdown. I broke down and cried like the day I found out my grandfather died unexpectedly. I had been pushed to my emotional limits. The constant flow of job rejection emails was getting too much. I was tired of making follow up phone calls and never getting answers. I've looked into every industy I felt qualified for. Marketing, PR, non-profits, school districts, and any type of communications-related job- you name it, I've looked into it. I've attended just about every St. Louis networking event in the past two months. But the question remains: Why can't I get a job?

But later on that afternoon I received a message from a man on LinkedIn who owns a sports and event management software company here in the St. Louis area. He is looking for a sports-minded marketing coordinator. He reached out to ME. Not the other way around. I, of course, called him immediately and told him of my interest and why. He asked for my resume and said he'd in touch for an interview.

Earlier today, I was helping the Eureka Fire District, where I am a volunteer firefighter, set up for the Firefighter Combat Challenge when I received a phone call from a gentleman from ABC News. I recognized the NYC area code so I knew this wasn't a scam. He was writing a story on unemployment and wanted to hear my story because of a message I sent to Good Morning America telling them of everything I have done the past several months to find a job. The ABC reporter wanted to hear MY story, so I told him.

That being said, he said he hopes his story helps me out and will run tomorrow morning hopefully.

Thanks Scott, I appreciate your help.

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